Sunday, January 27, 2013

Thinspiration: Day Eight

Sunday, the day of rest. I must use this phrase literally today, because of orders from the doctors. Tomorrow I have a PET scan in the early morning. Since it is such an intensive test, I need to get some R&R today. I don't mind; however, I really have a craving to dance. I love music and dancing, it really inspires me.

I attended my Skype call with the website I work for as well as did some photography marketing. I feel exceedingly accomplished for the most part. I have a full week ahead of me, so after my scan tomorrow it is on.

Today I cooked my man and myself a healthy egg whites breakfast with fruits. Then for lunch I made a Healthy Taco Salad. I browned some ground turkey in a skillet with some cumin. Chopped some romaine lettuce, added fat free sour cream, some cheese, and black beans. It really was delicious and not too many calories. Eating healthy is a true challenge. However, I find that if the healthy foods are convenient it really isn't too difficult to eat that way. I have been snacking on clementines like crazy, so delicious. When I run out I will probably cry if I don't have a backup crate somewhere in my near future.

So for curiousity Maunie and her husband weighed in today and they both lost weight in just Wednesday! How wonderful! I haven't been eating too bad but not too good either. I have been so hungry. But since Wednesday I still have lost .4 lbs. It makes me happy to know that I can do it even in my darkest of days. I hope to continue this week making great choices and feeling up to working out after the scan is all over with and my energy is back so that I can reach at least one pound lost. Because if you google "one pound of fat" and go to the images -- no one can be sad about losing that! Good luck ladies and gents as we enter another week of wellness.

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