Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Thinspiration: Day Ten and Eleven

There's so much that hasn't been documented in the last two days. I will basically just start where I feel importance lies. Yesterday was a blur now that I look back on it. I worked really hard cleaning the house, moving the furniture around in a Pinterest-esque manner, and working to make our house feel like a home. This was sparked by Mark's news that the 50" tv he ordered had arrived and was ready for pick up. On his way home from work, which he got off early, he picked it up.  He came home to a spotless, adorable house that was all ready for the new addition. (I say new addition because he was so excited about it you would have thought it was a baby.) He pulls the vizio out of the box and the screen is smashed. He ahas to send it back after they respond to the ticket he put it then they will send him back a new one. This is ridiculous I thought. I also felt so butthurt about it too because I worked hard to get the house ready in time. Something that made me laugh in the craziness of it all was actually something Mark said. He looked at the 32" we are currently using and said, "well..looks like you aren't retired just yet". So a little bit of comic relief in a less than perfect day.

However there were some good things about yesterday. I met with a potential client who was outstanding. Hoping for good things with that because I would love to work with her. I had a salad for lunch and ate lots of veggies the rest of the day as well as a healthy dinner. So although my diet hasn't beeb flawless lately I have still been able to maintain a decent balanced diet.

Moving into today, I wake up with a raging migraine so bad that I had to reschedule my photoshoot from this morning. I thwn bring myself to be able to make the bed, do the dishes, and make lunch. Well lunch was an epic example of my luck. I get all excited about this recipe I just created in my head. Its all finished. I take it out. Crash. The porclien shatters and mixes with my crusted potatoes. I cry. Naturally. Mark grabs the broom and hugs me. He hands me his card and says to go get Subway. He saved me because it had to recook it I would probably cry the whole time. So I go get our favorites and we eat lunch together.

We noticed that we hadnt seen Lulu our kitty all day. We exchanged questions about when we saw her last. We look everywhere and I mean everywhere. Ten minutes pass and we are still looking. I cry. Naturally. I shout her name in a panic. At this point I was so afraid. I also was thinking how upset I was getting overall and I was nervous to fall back into that deep dark depression I was in that I worked so hard to get out of. However my man found her in a place she has never hidden before. I cry more and pet her. As my eyes burn I find my way to the bathroom to wipe my last day or so's makeup off.

The phrase I cant have nice things seems to resonate through out the last few days. Hopefully itll only get better. Mark and I are on the way to pick up his car now so hopefully it will be fixed so I can have mine back and make some progress with things I need to progress in. I might ammend this later and update on the rest of the day. Then again I may not because it may not even be worth reading. Dear Norfolk, I miss you. Sincerely, Me.

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