Working for MuggleNet, we get amazing opportunities all the time. This interview was sent to the staff from a History student named Taryn. She was doing a project and wanted to have a few volunteers from the MuggleNet staff. I decided to take part and here is the interview. Enjoy!
What do you think attributed to the success of Harry Potter?
I believe that something so magical like Harry Potter just radiates success. It attracts men, women, and children of all cultures and backgrounds. Almost every person born into modern society over the entire globe knows Harry Potter for this simple reason. The widespread popularity of the series happened on it's own, without force. The most magical, captivating series of the century is what attributed to its' success.
How long do you predict Harry Potter's success will last?
I do believe deep in my heart that Harry's longevity is everlasting. I think just like Dickens or The Brothers Grimm this magnificent tale will expand throughout generations to come. There is no end to such a colossal force that has brought children back to books. Children are reading again and literacy is through the roof, and I give an exceeding amount of credit to Jo Rowling. All of us fans who remain loyal to the legacy will never let it die. As new generations of readers are introduced to such a wondrous story so the journey and success will continue.
Do you believe Harry Potter will be considered a literary classic?
Well, based on my previous answers and on what I know in my heart I will have to say absolutely. It is a modern tale of love, friendship, sacrifice, and bravery; just to name a few. The authorship is so golden and the authenticity and passion that lines within the pages can only be found in a Potter novel. That is why Harry Potter, all seven novels, will be considered a literary classic that all our descendants will know and love.
What did J.K. Rowling do to create this success?
JK Rowling took a chance. She went out on a limb and was brave and fearless with a dream. Without her, we would never know this magical, breathtaking world that was so graciously shared with the world, thanks to Jo. Upon meeting JKR in NYC this fall, I realized she is a very humble individual. She does not realize the magnitude of her impact on the literary world. She continues to create content for Pottermore; sharing stories that only she knows, facts that are only in her shoe boxes. She will always be such a heroin of our generation and that attributes to the success of the series on a different level.
What influences does Harry Potter have on culture?
Our culture, especially in the United States, has diminished to be completely cookie cutter. Children and teens grow up with electronics and never know what it is like to have real interaction with another person. Our culture is not personal anymore because of texting, messaging, video chat; the list goes on and on. But something that the Potter series shows our adolescents is to value the relationships with one another, stand up for what you believe in, sacrifice for those that you love. These are not values that can be taught on the internet. I know that Harry Potter has changed my life and made me a better person. On a more wide scale, if everyone around the world could just adapt those values into their lives, the world would be a better place. I believe that people are already doing that. Seeing what a story can teach you and applying it to your own life to better it and mold it into something wonderful; that is what the impact on our society is.
How far reaching is Harry Potter's influence?
Well, looking at number alone will tell you that is reaches every corner of the world. I don't want to quote numbers and figures to answer, because all I must say is that "there won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name".
Why has Harry Potter been able to have this influence?
It has such a far reaching influence because of where the story takes you, what it teaches you, and so much more. The magical story, the amazing characters, far off places that only can be seen in our dreams, the values and morals or evil that is shown, the beauty of a novel that moves a generation - these are all reasons for the high impact that JKR has given to us through Potter.
Potterheads have been recognized as the best fans. Why do you think this is?
Because it is the God's truth. I have never in my life seen another fandom so passionate, so involved and in love with a series. Going to LeakyCon, waiting at midnight showings or book releases, dressing up as characters from our beloved novels - these are all small exhibits of what we as Potter fans do to relive the series. But what is more is how we all treat one another. Harry Potter has brought people together from all walks of life and all different places all over the world. It gives us a place to call home and for that we are all so passionate and grateful.
Why do you love Harry Potter?
From the moment I was able to read, I had a book in my hand. Nothing had captivated me quite like Harry Potter did when it was first released. Ever since then my love for the series never died. I have endured a difficult broken household growing up with a haunted childhood. Harry Potter was a safe place, my soft place to fall when the road was dark. I was in a Catholic school, but other than lessons there, I wasn't being taught anything about how to live my life and grow up to be a proper adult. Harry Potter taught me what was right, what was noble, what was just. I escaped from my mundane world of fighting and fright to a magical world where I could enjoy myself. As the years went on and more and more books were released I learned more about myself through the series. I grew up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione and could relate to them every step of the way. I survived my adolescence because of Harry. As I became an adult I have never stopped loving each and every detail of the series, what it has taught me, and JK Rowling has inspired me up and through my battle with cancer this year. Meeting her was outstanding and it pulled me through when I was at my sickest. I reread the series during cancer treatments, surgeries, biopsies, and more. I learned more after the 5th or 6th time reading them. I know that nothing will surpass my love for this wondrous world. I will pass it along with my love down to future generations and hope for its success in the years to come.